
Friday, 20 December 2013

تحميل CSI SAP2000 V15 الإنجليزية [+ المنشط] [32 بت - 64 بت] مجاني - 2 روابط

أصدرت عام 2011 CSI شركة الإصدار 15 من هذا البرنامج المعروف SAP2000 التصميم الهيكلي والحساب:

هذا الإصدار يوفر واجهة أكثر جاذبية من الإصدار السابق (14):
- نسبة السرعة العالي: يستغرق وقتا أقل لتحميل، والتكبير، التحديث، الخ
... من الأفضل أن تبقى محدثة !
- نظام التشغيل: ويندوز XP SP3، ويندوز فيستا SP1، ويندوز 7 (32 بت أو 64 بت)
- تحميل يشمل مولد RF (generator.bat) وملف نصي مع تعليمات لcrakear

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

download KASPERSKY Antivirus v + Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 - 2014 multi-device [English, spanish] [+ crack activator] 1 link

Kaspersky Anti Virus 2014: It is the development version of the well-known Russian antivirus. Provides essential antivirus technologies for PC, with power protection in the cloud and in real time against the latest malware threats. When operating "behind the scenes" with an intelligent analysis of the virus and small and constant updates, proactively defends your PC against known and emerging threats, without a significant impact on the performance of your PC: The same engine powerful, touch-up design, support for touch screens and a smaller consumption of resources are its main innovations. 

Your PC, a strength: The detection engine Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014 is very powerful and provides good results when detect, block and eliminarvirus, Trojans, spyware, keyloggers, rootkits and any other malware.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

download Adobe PHOTOSHOP CS6 PORTABLE v13.0 Multilingual [English, spanish, portuguese, japanese, italian, french, german] [32 - 64 bits] [Autoactivated] - 1 link

Create images with instant impact PORTABLE Adobe Photoshop CS6, the industry standard in digital imaging software.

The Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS6 Extended software delivers the magic of the art imaging, new creative options, and unmatched performance. Retouching and believes more accurately so intuitive 3D graphics, 2D and entire movies using the tools and flows of new and refurbished work.

See top new features in Photoshop CS6 Extended
Increase your productivity and enhance your creativity with groundbreaking new tools based on content, the new engine Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine, creating 3D simplified Art, restructured design tools and more.